Business and finance

Tui Case Study - Business Studies - Types of Business, Stakeholders
Can be used for a cover lesson or an assessment as marked questions.

Income statements - Full lesson (Accounting and Business)
Full lesson, keywords handouts, tasks and a PowerPoint to go through.

Amigos - Mini ICT Project - Excel DTP Word - Admin and ICT
This mini project will take 4/5 lessons and can be done independently.
Great resource for pupils off school sick or to be left for cover if away for a week.

Internet Scavenger Hunt (Business Theme) - Great Cover Lesson
One lesson - students search the internet to find answers to Business Quiz type questions. Can be used in a non business lesson - Perfect for a cover lesson

Higher Accounting - Lesson 1 and 2 - Shareholders Debentures Share Premium
Preference Shareholders
Ordinary Shareholders
Share Premium
Case Study task based on Hargreaves and Lansdown
This will take 2 lessons.

Higher Business Management - Course Introduction and Content List
PowerPoint explaining the SQA Higher Business Course - Lesson 1 - Course handout for students to highlist as they progress through the units.

Higher Business Management - Franchising
Full lesson - student task and a sheet that can be used for a homework
Great for an interview lesson or observation.

Higher Business Management Assignment SQA - Student PowerPoint
Gives students an overview of the Assignment, what to do to gain full marks in each section - with some examples. 13 slides in total.

Higher Business Management SQA Assignment
This student help guide gets pupils started with the SQA Scottish Higher Business Assignment. It gives them ideas for topics and guidance with examples of how to gain full marks on this assessment.

2024 Business Valentines Day - Quiz and Disney Product
Mini Valentines day quiz followed by a task that would take one lesson - so great to use as a one off / cover lesson as well.

Sweetie Challenge - Business Studies - One off Lesson - Fun - Cover
Gives students a scenario and they have to create ideas based upon the information given.

Business Studies PR Public relations and Celebrity and Product Endorsement
One full lesson looking at what PR is.
Examples of PR, with advantages and disadvantages
Celebrity and Product endorsement with case studies - London Marathon and Virgin Money.
Task for students to complete.
Extension task for students to complete.

Google Case Study - Corporate Culture Features, Advantages, Disadvantages
Corporate Culture
Definition , Features, Advantages, Disadvantages and Case Study Exam style question based on given information about Corporate Culture at Google Head Offices.

Christmas Business Studies Bundle
5 Seperate Business Studies lessons all fun for Christmas - Can also be adapted for Valentines, Easter etc

Business Studies - Ferrero Rocher Case Study - Easter, Christmas, Valentines, Cover Lesson
One hour lesson
Could be used at Easter, Christmas, Cover lesson
Explains to students who Ferrero Rocher are and some of their existing products and gets them to create their own product for their portfolio.
Could be ran as a competition with a bar of chocolate as a reward for the best product.

Business Studies - External Factors - Hollywood Bowl Ten Pin Case Study
Covers External factors such as an increase in minimum wage and the effect it has on a business. This is an hour lesson, with a homework for students to complete their own case study.
Also covers multinational companies.